Taylor Swift Ruins Femininity

Taylor Swift sucks.  I love her.  I think she is beautiful.  I like most of her songs.  And thank God she hasn’t shaved her head, humped a bear, or become addicted to cocaine like so many other girls who became stars at a young age.  But Taylor Swift sucks nonetheless.

The last article I posted was all about the wonderful talent women are gifted with by the simple fact that this talent is in their essence.  God designed women with this talent.  The talent I am talking about is, of course, the talent of communication.  Not only do women naturally have the talent to communicate; they also have the DESIRE to communicate.  Most men have neither.  God bless women.

Now I want you to think of a gift you were blessed with.  Something that is a very good thing.  Maybe you really enjoy a good beer.  Maybe you have been blessed with financial wealth.  Or maybe you really enjoy spending time with your significant other.  These things, in and of themselves, are good things.  But think about how easy it is for each of these things to become perverted in some way.  I know there has been times where I have drank past the point of moderation and it affects my decision making.  I know I sometimes fall into a desire for money almost to the point that I hoard it and am obsessed with it.  Many people, especially people already in a relationship, fall into pushing everything else (God included) aside for their significant other.  It’s easy to do, let me tell you.  Just because things like beer, money, and girlfriends are very good things, it does not mean that we can become so obsessed with them that we are blind to all else that moves.  But so many people are.


Which brings me to the point of this article.  Satan hates this gift Woman has been granted.  He hates how naturally nurturing and caring and sentimental women are because he knows that this gift is the gift of love, and Satan is synonymous with the opposite.  So, just like he tries to do with all good things, he tries to pervert this gift and turn it into a bad thing.  This perversion is a sin against chastity, and is known as being emotionally unchaste.  It happens when a sentimental attraction (a good thing) turns into a sentimental obsession (a bad thing).

The Catholic Exchange posted the best article I’ve ever read about emotional chastity.  It states “We picture what it would be like to date them, check out our names together as a couple and even mentally plan our wedding. It seems harmless, but when we do this we turn a person into an object by using them for the emotional high we get from the imaginary relationship we have with them. Mentally using a person, whether physically or emotionally, is always in direct contrast with loving a person.”

It is easy to see how Taylor Swift’s lyrics “He’s talking crazy, dancing with me.  We could get married, have ten kids and teach them  how to dream,” might be juuuuuuuuuust a tad on the emotionally unchaste side of things, and while I’m a big advocate of large families I don’t think it is best to plan that the day you meet someone on a dance floor, as Tay says.


I think if I asked most people whether or not Taylor Swift was feminine the answer would almost always be yes.  But I disagree with this.  Being emotionally unchaste is not a characteristic that causes femininity to grow.  Feeding into Satan’s temptation of sentimental obsession does not make you more feminine, but less.  This is because it is a perversion of that wonderful gift women have of femininity.  The more emotionally unchaste you are, the further you are from true femininity.

*I do not think it is bad to listen to Tay.  Her struggles with emotional chastity do not prevent me from rocking out to Fearless on an almost-daily-basis.  Just try hard not to fall into her unchaste lies about what relationships should be.

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